I'm just saying a little bit would be nice. I'm trying here. I'm really trying to be patient without getting lazy but dammit my future simply doesn't lie in being a barista at mcnally robinson.
Teacher? Actor? Psychologist? Heath person thingee? Travel? Marriage? Garbage woman? Accountant? Space Alien? A clue? Do I need to search for clues? Does this mean I should become a private investigator?
I know it's terribly hard to be 24 and so overly dramatic.
Today I was at a reading at my great grandfather's house ( I think it's just one great...). Me and what seemed like millions of rich old people. My uncle Jim introduced me to a woman who is head of The Jewish Foundation as a thespian. She looked at me like I was from another planet. I believe that: a) She did not know what a thespian was and didn't know what to say b) didn't realize that actors don't just live in the tv sets or c) that she thought he said lesbian and not thespian.
I believe the head of The Jewish Foundation ( who funds many arts organizations) thinks I am a lesbian.
which also reminds me of my favourite Dad story.
Once lived a small, skinny 12 year old boy named Bill. Bill had just started grade 7 and had a crush on a girl. One day, although Bill was very shy, he managed to confess his feelings to her.
To which she looked at him and said " I'm sorry Bill, I am a lesbian"
Bill was not too phased by this since he thought this was a religion.
He replied " That's alright, I'm one too."
Unfortunately lesbianism is not a religion.
He found this out because the next day she brought him a book.
I wonder how long until he makes me take this down.